2024-2025 Proposed Board Meeting Dates

Please note that these dates are only proposed meeting dates and times. In the event that a change is required, a revised notice shall be posted.
All meetings are scheduled to begin at 11am EST, unless otherwise noted.

July 17th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

August 13th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

September 10th
at Somerset Academy Canyons (9385 Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, 33432)
As well as via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

October 15th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

November 12th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

**December 10th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

December 17th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

January 14th at 11:30am
At Somerset College Prep Academy (725 NW California Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986)
As well as via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

February 11th
At Somerset Academy Chapel Trail (20803 Johnson Street, Pembroke Pines, 33029)
As well as via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

March 11th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

April 15th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

May 12th
Meeting via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

June 17th (Annual Meeting)
At Somerset Academy Palms (12001 SW 72nd Street, Miami, Florida 33183)
As well as via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses (see below for details).

**Denotes a special meeting

**In an effort to allow greater public participation and to best accommodate stakeholders, all meetings shall be made available via communications media technology (virtually) with physical access sites at each of the individual school campuses throughout Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, St. Lucie, Duval, Jefferson and Monroe Counties (link to full school list below).  Members of the public are invited to attend meetings physically at a local physical access site or virtually.  Members of the public attending meetings at a local physical access site or virtually will be provided the opportunity to participate in the meeting and shall receive all meeting information and the opportunity to provide input regarding the charter school’s operations.

To attend virtually, please click the following link at the time of the meeting: 


Zoom Meeting ID: 979 8265 7214 | Passcode: 311036

For a listing of all Somerset Academy Schools/local physical access sites, click here: https://www.somersetacademyschools.com/schools/?location=FL

Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/fegbdamcv171em5yq3s7p/ACXGBIM38QrFmBWfL6Vghl0?rlkey=by7x2sbs3pwu01i1adfloaeel&dl=0

Options to Address the Board / Provide Public Comment: 

Effective immediately, we kindly request that all parent disputes and concerns be handled by following the Board’s Procedures for Addressing Concerns.  These procedures are designed to facilitate fair and transparent resolution processes for all parties involved.  https://www.somersetacademyschools.com/procedures-addressing-concerns

  • Members of the public are provided the opportunity to provide a written statement to the Board Members. Such statements shall be sent via-email to the recording secretary at kmallon@academica.org at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.  Any comments received shall be shared with the Board of Directors and shall be filed as part of the official meeting records. 

  • Members of the public may address the Board during Public Comment. Speakers will have a maximum amount of time (3 minutes) to speak at the discretion of the Board Chair. The Board will not address the presenter or take action at this time.  “Board Speaker Forms” shall be submitted via email up to 24 hours prior to the meeting to kmallon@academica.org or in person the day of the meeting, prior to the meeting being called to order (if in physical attendance).   Please note that members of the public who wish to attend virtually and address the board, must submit their Board Speaker form at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting to ensure receipt.     

Board Speaker Form:  https://www.somersetacademyschools.com/uploads/Board%20Speaker%20Form%202021.pdf

Please note that board members are not able to respond to any direct means of communication outside of public board meetings. This includes emails, phone calls, or personal interactions. We ask for your cooperation in respecting this protocol. 

Somerset Academy, Inc., a non-profit organization, will comply with chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, relating to public records, and s. 286.011,relating to public meetings and records, public inspection, and penalties the Florida Statutes relating to public records and public meetings.

Please note that a board meeting for Somerset Academy Foundation, Inc. may immediately follow each Somerset Academy, Inc. Board Meeting.

Please note that persons/businesses interested in doing business with Somerset Academy are requested to contact us here:  https://www.somersetacademyschools.com/contact-us

Board Workshops

June 27th at 11am - Budget Workshop
At Somerset Island Prep (1908 Flagler Avenue, Key West, Fl 33040)







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